Crazy Tube Circuits Golden Ratio PHI V2


约合人民币:¥1,954 元

  • 成品: 全新 价格包含日本国内运费
  • 状态:S
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クレイジー・チューブ・サーキットのGolden Ratioは、FET、OTA、OPTOと3つのコンプレッションモードを搭載した多機能・高性能なコンプレッサーです。



- Specifications -

■Compression Circuit Selection Toggle Switch: 3 Modes [FET compressor, OTA compressor, OPTO (Optical) compressor]

■Threshold/red LED Compression Indicator: Adjust the Amount of Signal That Goes into the Compression Detector Circuit. When the Red LED Flashes Brighter Compression is Engaged. Higher Levels of Signal Will Result in More Compression / LED Brightness.

■Ratio: Adjust the Amount of Compression /Gain Reduction. Range From Full Counter Clockwise to Full Clockwise FET: from 1.5:1 to 10:1 (1) • OTA: from 1 :1 to 20:1 • OPTO: from 1.5:1 to 15:1

■Attack: Set the Time Until Compression (Gain Reduction) Begins. Time Constant Increases as You Turn Clockwise. FET, OTA Circuit Range: 1ms to 30ms • OPTO Circuit Range: 3ms to 33ms

■Release: Set the Time Until Compression (Gain Reduction) Stops and Returns to the Initial Level. Time Constant Increases as You Turn Clockwise. FET, OTA Circuit Range: 50ms to 4s • OPTO Circuit Range: 80ms to 4s

■Blend: Set the Perfect Mix Between Dry-Uncompressed Signal (100% Counter-Clockwise) and Wet-Compressed Signal (100% Clockwise). Add Punch and Sustain without Losing the Dynamics of Your Signal.

■Volume: Set the Output Level of Your Compressor Unit. Use for Makeup Gain or as a Clean Boost

■Bypass Footswitch (Soft-Click): Engage or True Bypass Your Effect Via a High-Quality Relay. White LED Indicates That the Compressor Effect is Engaged.

■Input Impedance: 1M

■Output Impedance: 1k

■Power Supply: 9V DC Center Negative, Regulated / Stabilized. Max Current Consumption 50mA at Internal 9V Headroom Setting, 80mA at internal 18V Headroom Setting.

